K48 : K48 is an Animal. No. 5

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art book/magazine with a cd , poster, stickers

dimensions: 13X15 cm

The cover of this issue of K48 is by Terence Koh. It comes with a poster, a CD, stickers from Assume Vivid Astro Focus and animal work from Amy Gartrell, Jay Foxx, Timmy Dowling, Jeremy Yoder, Shoplifter, John Hogan, Paul Weil, Ann Craven, Bill Saylor, Mungo Thompson, Mark Divo, Tim Lokiec, Justin Samson, Joe Ovelman, Srephonik, Matt Reilly of Japanther, K_Mroczek, Billy Miller, Pffr, Hug & Magnan, Suzanne Ackerman, Phiiliip, Gabrielle Auerbach and Debbie Attias.

price :15 euros








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